OEM Orange5 Professional Programming Device Basic module

主页电控检测仪器OEM Orange5 Professional Programming Device Basic module

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:[my_pinpai]

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:[my_huohao]

运输 Transport:[my_yunshu]

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]










Orange 5 is a professional programming device for memory and microcontrollers. Unique feature of the current series programmers is built-in macro language for writing down protocols, which gives fast and easy capability to add new types of micro schemes, precisely meeting manufacturers’ requirements to read/write algorithms.
Original Orange5 Professional Programming Device Software Version: V1.34, Software Does not Support Update.

Notice:It is just for booking now,will have stock>
Language: English and Russian
Additional Supported Software: Immo HPX 9V0  NEC V850ES/SJ3 V850ES/SG3  UART  NEC V850E2 NEW  Software Licenses: MTRK (Included in Orange-5 base)TMS (Included in Orange-5 base) M08V NEW  Orange5 Technical Info: * USB power supply (USB2.0/3.0)* Universal easy to plug panel ZIF16 for EEPROM* Control of contacts in the sockets* Two expansions compatible with Orange4 and Omega MTRK* Protection against overcurrent* Overload voltage protection* Two types of power supply: Standart (USB) and enhanced (USB + external power supply)* Three 3 adjustable voltage and current control: Voltage of power supply ( 2.0…5.0V ), programming voltage (2.0…21.0V), additional static 10V for microcontrollers* High-speed bidirectional pin drivers with adjustable voltage (2.0…5.0V)* Wave cycle generator with frequency ( up to 24 Mhz) and out voltage(2.0…5.0V) adjustment* Capability of functional emulation of class CDC USB devices* Built-in 32-bit virtual machine* Supported interface: I2C, SPI, MicroWire, JTAG, UART, BDM, ISO7816, K-LINE (via adapter), CAN (via adapter)* Programmer is encolsed in a functional box. Supported working under Windows XP/7 32bit. [*Win8.1]- Installation and Work with Orange-5 under Windwos 7 and Windows 8.1 CnCterm – Terminal program for work with COM ports. Feature: Supports any COM ports, incuding virtual>18512128227【微信同号】

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