买断版研华D3 Digimaster 3 III 里程表调校仪

主页电控检测仪器买断版研华D3 Digimaster 3 III 里程表调校仪

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

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全球最顶级的汽车数码编程设备之一!研华最新顶级产品DIGIMASTER-III横空出世!支持最新款A6L Q7里程表诊断口调校!支持新款奔驰宝马钥匙编程匹配!

即将升级:A5 Q5 途观 途欢 新捷达 A8L 福特 别克系列诊断口调表!




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◆  支持车型介绍全面支持欧洲、美国、亚洲及国产车系的上千款车型,亦可及时升级最新车型,部分车型如下:1、  通过OBD-II接口调校宝马7系列:E65 CAS;2、  通过CAN接口读取宝马CAS1、CAS2、CAS3数据;3、  支持奔驰S、C、E等系列仪表和EIS调校;大众、奥迪、奔驰、宝马等车型OBD II调校;保时捷、法拉利、宾利等欧系名车仪表调校;国产车单片机仪表调校、工程机械仪表调校;4、  支持MOTOROLA系列CPU的数据读写;5、  奔驰、宝马各系列车型钥匙匹配。


Digimaster 3 Digimaster III Odometer Correction Master 
1. Original Yanhua Brand with High Quality.
2.>3. New developed odometer correction master. 
4. With various types of adapters, you can easily achieve odometer correction, Audio decoding, airbag resetting, engine ECU resetting, IMMO, programming key for Benz &BMW etc.
Original  YanHua Digimaster 3 Digimaster III Odometer Correction MasterTop 6 Reasons to Get Digimaster 3: 1. Latest Version: 1.8.1504.24 (2015-04-30)
2. Supports English3. 300 Tokens Coming for Newer and High-End Cars for Free4.Contains a high performance hardware platform which takes high-speed CPLD and the ARM11 processor as the core technology5. Works with various types of adapter you can easily achieve odometer correction, Audio decoding, airbag resetting, engine ECU resetting, IMMO, programming key for Benz &BMW etc6. Contains advanced technology of programming new keys for BMW and Benz, CAS-BDM reading/writing and resetting; 35080V6 erasure etc. Quantities of pictures and particular description makes operation pleasantly 

Register Attention
1.Digimaster 3 hasn’t been registered before shipped out. So when you receive but have no idea of how to register,provide the serial number to us, we will offer you registration card number and password.
2.If you want us to register for you, please leave the message when placing order. We will register it for you before shipment.It would be better if you have basic knowledge about chip desoldering.

Digimaster III addeded models for mileage correction and airbag resetting 

Main function of Digimaster III:

1. Odometer correction
2. Audio decoding
3. Airbag reset
4. ECU programming
5. PIN Code Reading
6. BMW key programming
IMMO :Peugeot  Citroen  Audi 

Key Programming :BMW  Benz   Digimaster3 Updating models for mileage correction:
 1 Peugeot 408 2015 BSI 95256  952562 Peugeot 408 2015 Instrument 95160  951603 Roewe 350 2014 Instrument 95080 950804 Roewe 350 2014 Body ECU 24C16  24C165 Faw Elysee Instrument 93C86  93C866 Faw Elysee BSI 95256  952567 JMC Shunda 24C08  24C088 Howo 24C04  24C04 
Digimaster3 Odometer correction:
Vehicle including cars from European, American, Japanese and Korea :Alfa Cadillac Daihatsu Aston Martin Chrysler Honda Audi Ford Hyundai Bentley GM ISUZU BMW Lincoln KIA Benz Lexus Citroen Mazda FIAT Mitsubishi Ferrari Nissan Jaguar Proton Lamborghini SSangYong       
Lancia Subaru Lotus SUZUKI Man Toyota Opel peugeot Porsche          
Renault Rover Saab Skoda Volvo Volkswagen Wiesmann          
Truck Forkman Maserati           
Other vehicle Motorcycle Truck  Newly Added models for Airbag Resetting:
 1 Ford Mondeo DS7T-14B321-EB  956402 Ford Mondeo BS7T-14B321-AC 953203 Mitsubishi Jin Hyun 8635A321-0285011550  956404 Cadillac Seville 5WY87270  95160
Airbag Resetting for Car :Audi, Chrysler, Citroen, FIAT, Ford, GM, Honda, Hyundai, KIA, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Opel, Peugeot, Renault, Rover, SSang Yong, Subaru, SUZUKI, Toyota, Volkswagen, Samsung

Newly Added Some Mileage Adjustment: 1.Chrysler Grand Cherokee 2007-20112.Citroen C4L 2014
 Newly Update for Digimaster III:
1. DigiMaster3 Newly added key programming function
Applicable for high-class cars such as Mercedes Benz and BMW. Innovative automatic mode for key programming technology, multi-language operation, the key programming complete in>2. DigiMaster3 New Generation Core Framework
Applying the new G3 platform of Yanhua Tech and the innovative consumption mode of “Pay as you go”supports the latest car, global synchronic upgrade, extend and integrate functions freely.
3. DigiMaster3 Intelligent Operation Platform
Upgrade the single-task system into intelligent multi-task and multi-thread operation system, extend functions freely and unlimitedly.
4. Upgrade the single-task system into intelligent multi-task and multi-thread operation system, extend functions freely and unlimitedly.
5. DigiMaster3 Comprehensive Upgraded Operation Interface
It breaks away from the original monotonous static interface, based>6. DigiMaster3 High Definition Digital Screen
Upgrade the low definition LCD color screen (320X240) to the imported HD digital TFT color screen (800X480) which applying the precision touch technology

Digimaster3 Special feature:

1. Supports OBD2 interface odometer adjustment of Volkswagen, Audi, Benz, BMW and BMW 7 Series models: E65 CAS and the 2009 Audi A6L and Q7.
2. Reads BMW CAS1/ 2/ 3 data by CAN interface.
3.>4. Supports Mercedes-Benz S, C, E, odometer and EIS adjustment; Porsche, Ferrari, Bentley and other European luxury cars odometer adjustment; Chinese domestic car MCU and engineering machinery odometer adjustment;
5. Supports MOTOROLA/FREESCALE series CPU (including some CPU flash) data read and write.
6. Supports key programming for Mercedes Benz and BMW series cars.

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供买断版研华D3 Digimaster 3 III 里程表调校仪.
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