ABT9A01 Automotive Battery Tester with printer

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ABT9A01 Automotive Battery Tester with printer缩略图

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:ECS011195

运输 Transport:yikonn

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]


 1、快速显示准确的测试出蓄电池的各项性能指标:内阻、电量、冷启动电流、寿命等。2、内置多种标准,可以方便的测量不同型号的蓄电池。3、检测汽车启动时的实时电压变化。4、监控充电系统的工作状态。  5、测试放过电的蓄电池不需要测试前充电。  6、采用电导测试法:安全,快速,简单,轻便。  7、不发热,无火花不会损坏仪器或者伤害技工身体。8、应用:12/24V汽车启动蓄电池和12V充电系统。9、可检测下列标准电池:      100-1700CCA;100-1000DIN;100-1000IEC;100-1700EN;JIS-日本蓄电池10、内置时钟、打印机,可打印测试结果。11、可打印车牌号码与车辆识别码(VIN)。  ABT9A01 Automotive Battery Tester with printer can quickly test the battery's main specifications: Internal Resistance, CCA, Voltage, Electric quantity, Life-span. ABT9A01 Automotive Battery TesterABT9A01 Features: 1) Quickly test the battery's main specifications: Internal Resistance, CCA, Voltage, Electric quantity, Life-span.2) Various standards build-in.3) Adopt conductance method to test: convenient and safe.4) Printer and clock inside, can print out testing results anytime.5) Battery test, Start system test, Charging system test6) Avoiding large current to discharge the battery can protect the battery from possible damages and heat generation7) Built STMicroelectronics chip8) Available in multiple languages ABT9A01 Functions: 1) Battery Test2) System Test *Starter Test *Charging Test *Load Test3) Monitor the status of the start system of the vehicle4) Test the change of the voltage when start the vehicle5) Supportable standards: 100-1700CCA,100-1000DIN,100-1000IEC,100-1700EN,JIS.

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供ABT9A01 Automotive Battery Tester with printer.
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