原厂Orange5 Memory Microcontrollers Programming Device

主页电控检测仪器原厂Orange5 Memory Microcontrollers Programming Device

价格 Price: 185 1212 8227

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Orange 5 is a professional programming device for memory and microcontrollers. Unique feature of the current series programmers is built-in macro language for writing down protocols, which gives fast and easy capability to add new types of micro schemes, precisely meeting manufacturers’ requirements to read/write algorithms. 

Original Orange5 Professional Programming Device

Orange5 Technical Info:

– USB power supply (USB2.0/3.0)- Universal easy to plug panel ZIF16 for EEPROM- Control of contacts in the sockets- Two expansions compatible with Orange4 and Omega MTRK- Protection against overcurrent- Overload voltage protection- Two types of power supply: Standart (USB) and enhanced (USB + external power supply)- Three 3 adjustable voltage and current control: Voltage of power supply ( 2.0…5.0V ), programming voltage (2.0…21.0V), additional static 10V for microcontrollers- High-speed bidirectional pin drivers with adjustable voltage (2.0…5.0V)- Wave cycle generator with frequency ( up to 24 Mhz) and out voltage(2.0…5.0V) adjustment- Capability of functional emulation of class CDC USB devices- Built-in 32-bit virtual machine- Supported interface: I2C, SPI, MicroWire, JTAG, UART, BDM, ISO7816, K-LINE (via adapter), CAN (via adapter)

– Programmer is encolsed in a functional box. Supported working under Windows XP/7 32bit. [*Win8.1]
* Installation and Work with Orange-5 under Windwos 7 and Windows 8.1

 Packing List:
 1. Orange-5 (include 05BP2&HC11A/Exx; TMS; K/CAN)2. SOIC8 14 93Cxx adapter3. SSOP8/DIP84. Adapter 908AS60/AZ60 QFP64 5. Adapter 68HC(7)05P3/E66. Adapter 05B/X 705B/X QFP64 V27. Adapter 11PA8/11E9 QFP64 8. Adapter 68HC05H129. Adapter 68HC11EA910. Adapter 908AS60 11. Adapter 9S12Dxx12. Adapter 912Dxx13. Adapter 9S12X14. Adapter 912B32 QFP8015. Adapter 68HC11F1 16. Adapter 68HC11KA417. Adapter 68HC11L618. Lead 05B6 WDT VW immo incircuit19. Lead for EWS3 mask 0D46J20. Lead 912 (9S12) incircuit21. Lead 908 (08) incircuit22. Lead 705E6 incircuit23. Adapter TMS374C003A24. Special Software ImmoHPX

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供原厂Orange5 Memory Microcontrollers Programming Device.
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