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PSA PINCODE TOOL(F108) is appropriated for programming Auto Keys and PINCODE read via OBD of vehicles. It’s easy to take away,and it’s appearance is designed elaborately.Multi-language environment can be applied in different countries and regions. The main unit system adopts ARM high speed chip to keep it running fast, stable and anti-jamming. Upgrade via TF card at any time. Models included(PEUGEOT/CITROEN/DS)Support PINCODE to read all of the following model via OBDPeugeot 1007Peugeot 206Peugeot 207Peugeot 208Peugeot 2008Peugeot 301Peugeot 306Peugeot 307Peugeot 308Peugeot 3008Peugeot 406Peugeot 407Peugeot 4007Peugeot 508Peugeot 5008Peugeot 607Peugeot 806Peugeot 807Peugeot BipperPeugeot ExpertPeugeot PartnerC2C3C3 PicassoC3 PlurielC4 CactusC4 PicassoC5 C8C-Elyseexsara PicassoBerlingo 2Berlingo 3JumperJumpyDS3DS4DS5 Software updateVia official website :,Free update for 1 year LanguageEnglish,simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese Features1. Key programming + PINCODE read English Version Packing List1. F108 main unit;2. TF Card