FORD VCM IDS福特V86/捷豹路虎V135/V136铁壳汽车故障诊断仪

主页电控检测仪器FORD VCM IDS福特V86/捷豹路虎V135/V136铁壳汽车故障诊断仪

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:[my_pinpai]

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:[my_huohao]

运输 Transport:[my_yunshu]

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]



VCM Metal Box IDS V86 JLR V134, functions are the same with the plastic box, which meet the customers who need metal VCM.

VCM Metal Box IDS V86 JLR V134 New VCM release

1. Software Version:  Ford & Mazda: V86
                                        Jaguar & LandRover: V134
2. Languages: 
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Netherlands, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak

Free Download:
VCM IDS V86 Software Free Download
VCM IDS V86 License Free Download
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VCM IDS V85 Software
VCM IDS V84 software

VCM IDS V83 software
VCM IDS V82 software
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VCM IDS V80 software
JLR V133 software
JLR V134 software part 1
JLR V134 software part 2
JLR V134 software part 3
JLR V134 software part 4
Ford VCM V84 License download
JLR V134 License download

VCM IDS Description:

VCM IDS (VCM) is a high performance, rugged, vehicle serial communications gateway. This device provides multiple vehicle serial communication interfaces to meet the requirements of all Ford Motor Company vehicles.
The VCM device contains five LED status indicators to provide the user with a visual mode of internal VCM, vehicle, and host device (e.g. NGS Classic’s T-Handle, PC, Pocket PC/PDS, and Laptop/IDS) operation.
The VCM also has detachable cables for connection to industry standard high-speed host interfaces as well as to the vehicle under test.
The VCM DVD includes both IDS (Integrated Diagnostic Software) and PDS (Portable Diagnostic Software) tools.Diagnostic coverage includes most 1996 2011MY (produced 1995 2007) Ford, Lincoln/Mercury & Mazda vehicles.It can do four car model. IDS for Ford and Mazda, JLR for Jaguar and Landrover

VCM IDS Hardware and Software Requirements>IDS software is for Ford and Mazda, and it must be installed to Local Driver C;
JLR software is for Jaguar and Land Rover, and Local Driver C is also required.
Moreover, at least 15G available space is required>Computer memory:  at least 1GB 
CPU: at least 1GHz
Netbooks (ULPC:Ultra low-cost PC) not allowed

1.3 Requirements>Every laptop has more than>For computer operation system, please use Windows XP(sp2 or sp3) professional Edition 32-Bit.
Home Edition and other systems are not allowed

1.5. Need Install the Convert Software and Follow the Instruction.

Note: the application will detect the interface device that is connected to the laptop. Indicator icons will appear at the bottom right-hand corner of the IDS screen when the VCM  are connected.

VCM IDS Specification:

1. Application Overview
Integrated Diagnostic Software (IDS) is the next generation diagnostic tool. IDS integrates WDS software modified to run>
2. Vehicle Diagnostic Connectors
The VCM 16-pin DLC cable is used to connect the VCM to the vehicle. The VCM and VMM connect to the laptop through the internet-USB Adapter Cable (H406/H416).

3. Interface Devices
The interface devices that are used with this application are:
VCM Vehicle Communication Module: This device provides all link based functionality including: Data logger, Self test, Service Functions, Module Configuration and Programming, etc.

4. Special Feature:
It can install IDS software and JLR software>
5. Working Car Year?
This machine can do ford and mazda old and new cars, no year limitation. For jaguar and landrover,it can>
VCM (Vehicle communication module with metal case)
16-pin DLC long cable
IDS 4m PC Ethernet-USB host cable
DVD(Land Rover/Jaguar)

Q:Does VCM  has a Turkish version ?
A:Yes ,it does.



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