斯堪尼亚卡车检测仪 SCANIA VCI1 Diagnostic tool

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斯堪尼亚卡车检测仪 SCANIA VCI1 Diagnostic tool缩略图

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:ECS012035

运输 Transport:云豹国际货运

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]



SCANIA VCI1 is a diagnostic tool to work with older Scania trucks and buses. This tool combined with PC and Scania software can do diagnostics and programming.

SCANIA VCI1 Diagnostic Tool

VCI1 supports diagnostic systems of Scania trucks and buses of 3 and 4 series. VCI1 works with Scania SD2 and Scania SP2 software. (SD – Scania Diagnos software, SP – Scania Programmer software. )
VCI1 supports all systems>

List of VCI1 supported systems:

APS – Air processing system;
BWS – Body work system;
BCS – Bus chassis system;
EBS – Brake management system;
EEC – Exhaust emission control system;
EMS – Engine management system;
COO – Coordinator;
ICL – Instrument cluster;
TCO – Tachograph system

ATA, WTA, CTS and AUS – Auxiliary heater system, Clock timer system, Radio;
OPC and RET – Gearbox management system;
SMS – Suspension management system;
RTI – Road traffic information;
TPM – Tyre Pressure Monitoring;
LDW – Lane Departure Warning;

SCANIA VCI1  Languages: English


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