HONDA/ACURA Professional Tool H685本田诊断检测仪

主页电控检测仪器HONDA/ACURA Professional Tool H685本田诊断检测仪

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:[my_pinpai]

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:[my_huohao]

运输 Transport:[my_yunshu]

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]



Memoscan H685 Honda Acura fault code reader can test and erase the car trouble codes and read the relative trouble codes. Many mechanical problems, such as poor engine performance due to low fuel level, damaged soft cube, electrical wire or electrical connectors, can also cause faked trouble codes. Therefore you need to refer to the car service pamphlet to get more instruction information when you test before you know the mechanical problems 

HONDA/ACURA Professional Tool H685


1. Troubleshoot
2. Data list
3. Clear
4. ECM reset


1. Systems supported

2. Appearance
The appearance of a H685 is as shown in the above figure.
1) LCD screen: 128*64
2) Enter key:confirm selection and enter
3) Esc key:go back to the previous screens
4) up/down arrows:moves the selection pointer and scrolls up or down 
5) LEFT/RIGHT arrows:move cursor.
6) Power button
7) Diagnostic extension cable: OBDII -16PIN / HONDA 3PIN

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供HONDA/ACURA Professional Tool H685本田诊断检测仪.
  • 博世BOSCH、电装、德尔福、西门子等厂家特约经销商

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