MB/VW(2 in 1)Auto 16/14 Pin Number Selector

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MB/VW(2 in 1)Auto 16/14 Pin Number Selector缩略图

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:ECS012270

运输 Transport:时安达速递

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]


MB/VW(2 in 1)Auto 16/14 Pin Number Selector

Mercedes Benz & VW-LT (2 in 1) Auto 16/14 Pin Number Selector

Adaptable to any scantool with its female OBDII connector, this device is specially designed for M. Benz OBDII / Sprinter and Volkswagen LT vehicles. It acts like a break-out box for diagnostic tools to select the K-signal lines of the various systems in the vehicle control systems like ME, SRS, ABS, etc.

Instead of inserting the pins individually, the pin out can be selected by pressing the UP or DOWN button to the required pin. At the same time, the selected pin out is digitally displayed.

It has the following features:

- Various pin out to the vehicle systems are shown>
- Large LED digital numbers display for viewing which provide less room for error during pin selecting.

- As an OBDII connector (16pin breakout) the pin selections are: 2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 & 15

- K-line (yellow) and Gnd (- black) output jacks for signal measuring.

- Comes with female OBDII connector for adaptation to any scantool.

- Compact, light weight and easy to operate.

Package contains:

- Auto 16/14 Pin Number Selector unit
- OBDII (16P) connector cable
- M. Benz Sprinter / VW-LT (14P) cable

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供MB/VW(2 in 1)Auto 16/14 Pin Number Selector.
  • 博世BOSCH、电装、德尔福、西门子等厂家特约经销商

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