Manual EPROM Eraser Can Erase 15 Chips 可以擦除15个芯片

主页 主页 » 电控检测仪器 » Manual EPROM Eraser Can Erase 15 Chips 可以擦除15个芯片
Manual EPROM Eraser Can Erase 15 Chips 可以擦除15个芯片缩略图

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:ECS012287

运输 Transport:中强物流

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]



Manual EPROM Eraser Can Erase 15 Chips

Please check whether the input voltage is correct before operation!
Press down the Power Switch to “ON” (for 6pcs type>When the timer is set to “ON”, the eraser is in the status of continuous working.
Turn the timer clockwise to set the working period.> 
Warranty and Caution:
The warranty period is>Index:
Power requirement         : AC 220V±20%
Working Frequency        : 43Hz-57Hz
Working Temperature     : -10°C - 40°C
Working Humidity            : 20%~90% relative

15pcs type  : 215x75x70mm

What's the difference between S0218 and SO99 ?

SO218 can erase 15 chips> 

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