Super Mini Pro TL866A EEPROM Programmer 现货

主页电控检测仪器Super Mini Pro TL866A EEPROM Programmer 现货

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

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 2014 Super Mini Pro TL866A EEPROM Programmer

Mini Pro TL866A Description:

1. Neat robust enclosure; 40pin ZIF socket, fully automatic; Fast mode SPI support;
2. Support Windows 2000,XP,2003,2008,Vista & Win7(32/64),
3. USB interface for both data transfer and power supply;
4. High speed/fastest; user-friendly; simply-to-use;
5. Software update regularly; free life-time software upgrade/download;
6. Multi-languages support capability: Chinese, ,English;
7. Supports thousands of most popular application devices (12,000 +)
8. Ideally suits the portable/convenient applications that includes: car automotive field ECU chip tuning, airbag reset,mileage, satellite devices, BIOS refreshing, xBox, Wii gaming machines EPROM duplicate, PIC/MCU development, newer laptop technology and newer desktop PC etc.
9. It has outstanding performance which supports the devices that other similar products are not capable of supporting: such as 25LF SPI series, PSOP44,TSOP48, 25VF SPI series, PLCC84,SST39VF3201, TE28F102, 27C1024, 27C1028,HD6475,29F800, 29LV800.淘宝链接)

Full Set 21pcs Socket Adapters for Super Mini Pro TL866A EEProM Programmer适配器


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  • 博世BOSCH、电装、德尔福、西门子等厂家特约经销商

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