V2.15 FW V3.099 KESS V2 OBD Tuning Kit Master Version 不限点

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V2.15 FW V3.099 KESS V2 OBD Tuning Kit Master Version 不限点缩略图

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:ECS012520

运输 Transport:众川国际

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]

New V2.15 KESS V2 OBD Tuning Kit Master Version
1. No token limitation
2. With coverage of all major brands and protocols including Line, CAN, EDC17 and MED17 and Ford J1850 
New V2.15 FW V3.099 KESS V2 OBD Tuning Kit Master Version No Token Limitation
 Top 3 Reasons to Get V2.15 Kess V2:

1. Software V2.15, Firmware V3.099
2. Software Update By CD3. Multi-Languages Supported: English/ Deutsch/ Spanish/ Italian/ Portuguese/ French

1. Pleas do not update this tool online, or it may get damaged
2. Please Close Antivirus Program Before Installing or Operating Software
Kess V2 has several built in features and safeguards including:

1. Check of the battery voltage in real-time
2. Full Recovery function in case of problems
3. Automatic correction of the Checksum, (where available)
4 Boot-Loader mode supported
5. Management of the programming counters
6. ScanTool function to remove DTC
7. Several options of reading/writing speed
8. Option to write full filection of the map
9. Full integration with ECM Titanium

KESS V2 Supported Languages: English/German/ Spanish/ Italian/ Portuguese/ French

KESS V2 Tokens:

It come with 60 tokens, when tokens are used out, you can add it by yourself via the way we offer in the CD manual, there is diagram and video, package come with J-LINK Programmer.

KESS V2 Connection Display:


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