FLY Scanner For Ford Mazda FLY200 PRO 福特马自达捷豹和路虎

主页电控检测仪器FLY Scanner For Ford Mazda FLY200 PRO 福特马自达捷豹和路虎

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:[my_pinpai]

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:[my_huohao]

运输 Transport:[my_yunshu]

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]



FLY 200 totally supports for 30 languages:
1. Spain 2. Slovenia 3. English 4. Greece 5. German 6. Denmark 7. Czech Republic 8.Traditional Chinese 9. Simplified Chinese 10. American English 11. Vietnam 12. Turkey 13. Thai 14. Sweden 15. Russian 16 . Portugal 17. Portuguese (Brazil) 18. Poland 19. Norway 20. Netherlands 21. Korean 22. Japanese 23. Italy 24. Indonesia 25. Hungary 26. French 27. French (Canada) 28. Finland 29. Spain (Mexico ) 30. Russian

Scantool Diagnostics

All ford and mazda vehicles(Include all functions of original VCM/IDS)
Vehicle Reprogramming
All ford and mazda vehicles(Include all functions of original VCM/IDS)
Immobi and Smart key
All ford and mazda vehicles(Include all functions of original VCM/IDS)

Product Information:
FLY 200 supports all models of Ford and Mazda and Contains all function of the original VCM / IDS for Ford and Mazda. for the Mazda,you can change milleage through OBD-16 without taking down the odomete. compared to the original VCM/IDS, it will be more convenient,because it doesn’t need to enter password for the odometer.

Cover model: Cover Ford and Mazda.

Coverage system: Cover Ford and Mazda all the electronic control system.


1.FLY 200 Pro vehicle communication module
2.OBD-16 Cable
3.USB 2.0 Cable
4.Power Supply
5.Carry box


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