Xhorse TOYOTA K+CAN Commander 2.0丰田诊断检测线 原装线

主页电控检测仪器Xhorse TOYOTA K+CAN Commander 2.0丰田诊断检测线 原装线

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:[my_pinpai]

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:[my_huohao]

运输 Transport:[my_yunshu]

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]



Manufacturer Specifications

Toyota K+CAN Commander 2.0 is used to Connecting with all electronic control modules in the vehicle. Working by K and CAN bus diagnostic connection.
For all electronic control units read and clear error (DTCs) memories – standard, history memory.
Actuator test Current data. 

Connecting with all electronic control modules in the vehicle. Working by K and CAN bus diagnostic connection.
For all electronic control units read and clear error (DTCs) memories – standard, history memory.
Actuator test Current data.

Keyprogramming – normal and smart key for vehicles :
Toyota Rav4
Toyota Yaris (smart key)
Toyota Auris (smart key)
Toyota Land Cruiser 100
Toyota Land Cruiser 120
Toyota Prado
Toyota 4 Runner
Toyota Camry (2004+)
Toyota Corolla (2007+)
Toyota Prado
Toyota Hilux
Toyota Prius
Toyota Avalon
Lexus LX470
Lexus LX570
Lexus RX300
Lexus RX330
Lexus RX350
Lexus RX400
Lexus RX400h
Lexus SC430
Lexus GS300
Lexus GS430
Lexus GS450
Lexus ES350
Lexus IS220
Lexus IS250
Lexus IS350
Lexus LS430
Lexus LS460

From Main Screen you can choose :
connect with some control module.
select vehilcle model and scan modules.
choose some special function – Immo reset and key programming.

Package includes:
1 k+can main unit

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供Xhorse TOYOTA K+CAN Commander 2.0丰田诊断检测线 原装线.
  • 博世BOSCH、电装、德尔福、西门子等厂家特约经销商

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