ICOM A2+B+C Function:
推荐购买a2 稳定
A2- OBD diagnostic supporting MOST, D-CAN and K-CAN protocols
B - diagnostic via MOST bus, and have connection to A-interface via USB connection.
C - 20-pin cable for old models.
ICOM A2+B+C Special Features Compared with ICOM :
The modified ICOM A2 for vehicles with OBD access receives a significantly more powerful processor and more storage capacity.Robust aluminium case will help to avoid damage when using in harsh environments.
To protect the MOST connector, the ICOM B for vehicles with optical MOST access will be equipped with a soft cover made of rubber instead of the former plastic cap.
The ICOM C for old series with a diagnostics socket will be additionally equipped with an approx. 20 cm long cable, which facilitates the connection of the ICOM A2 and makes storage in the engine compartment easier.
BMW ICOM A2+B+C support BMW cars till 2013 year. Support BMW & MINI full system diagnose and offline programming.
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1.ICOM A介绍(16PIN接口)
ICOMA是基本组件。在物理方面,它一方面提供与车辆OBD II诊断接口连接的接口,另一方面提供自适应集成到修理厂网络所需的接口。通过一个高效的计算机核心,它作为协议转换器负责测试仪和车辆控制单元之间的数据交换以及接通测量技术所需的信号处理。供电电压经KL30通过车辆接口提供。ICOM A的电气运行规定有一个8V的最低电压。只有供电电压超过最低极限值,才能确保稳定的功能
2. ICOM B功能(MOST接口)
ICOM B是ICOM A的外部MOST (多媒体传输系统)接口。它通过USB导线与ICOM A连接。供电电压通过ICOM A经USB提供。只有当对ICOM A供应最低8V的电压时,ICOM B的电气运行才准备就绪在车辆侧ICOM B通过标准的MOST接口连接。
3. ICOM C功能(20PIN接口)
ICOM C是一个智能的接口转换器,它使OBD II与BMW圆形插座相匹配。作为加长的辅助模块,它将ICOM A与无OBD II接口的车辆连接。供电电压在车辆侧经KL30从圆形插座中提供。ICOM C的电气运行规定有一个8V的最低电压。KL30上的电压在装置内部传送到OBD II上,并由此向ICOM A供电。只有当车辆的蓄电池电压超过最低极限值,才能确保两个装置稳定的交互作用。