high quality Yale PC Service Tool Ifak CAN USB Interface

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high quality Yale PC Service Tool Ifak CAN USB Interface缩略图

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:ZQ161227ML0192

运输 Transport:丹鸟

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]

Yale PC Service Tool  Ifak CAN USB Interface  

1 ) Fault Monitor.
2 ) Truck Information Screen.
3 ) Diagnostic Data Monitor.
4 ) Custom Data Monitor.
5 ) Impact Events.
6 ) Databus Viewer.
7 ) Strip Chart.
8 ) Record & Playback.
9 ) Diagnostic Reports.
10) Register & launch 3rd party applications.
11) Access support web site.
12) Truck Setup.
13) Truck Password Management.
14) Operator Checklist.
15) Truck Programming.
16) Language Management.
17)>18) Troubleshooting manual.
19) Calibration Data Retrieval.


Supported models (First 4 digits of the Serial numbers )



Computer requests :

1 .NET framework v4.0 . 

2. Adobe Acrobat Reader version 8.0 or higher 

3. Opration system : windows xp 32 bit , vindows vista 32 bit , windows 7 32bit or 64bit


This Interface also works with Hyster PC service tool , please let me know if you need it . 

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供high quality Yale PC Service Tool Ifak CAN USB Interface.
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