Cummins>Manual for>
Cummins Model Search
The primary method for searching for parts and service documents in the QuickServe DVD is with the model search functionality.
First, you will need to select the appropriate plant from the first drop-down box that your equipment was manufactured at (Fridley, Kent, etc.). After making this selection, a second drop-down box will appear. This second drop-down box contains a list of generator models and is limited to>Clicking the “Search” button will result in all of the available parts and service documents being displayed>To launch a specific document, simple single-click>If, after single-clicking the search result line no document is lauched, you may want to check to make sure that you pdf viewing application is working properly.
Examples –
Parts Catalog B- Series Genset 82.5 KVA To 125 KVA
Generator Set Service Manual
Conflict QuickServe DVD – Power Generation Edition (Cummins>
Region: All regions Languages: English OS: VISTA, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, Win98, Windows 8 x32, WinJapan, WinNT, WinXP Quantity of CD: 4 DVD DL Data of update: 11/2015