小松Komatsu diagnostic adapter 小松检测仪 康明斯检测设备

主页电控检测仪器小松Komatsu diagnostic adapter 小松检测仪 康明斯检测设备

价格 Price: 185 1212 8227

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货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

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适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]


Komatsu diagnostic adapter 小松检测仪 Komatsu diagnostic adapter 小松检测仪 小松挖机检测设备


软件版本为:V7.5 (最新)

软件语言为:中文,英语English, Hungarian, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, French, Czech, Swedish, Japanese,Portugal,Korea


CumminsINSITE 7.5 is a PC-based software application that provides quick and easy access to your engine”selectronic performance information, which enables faster service turnaround times. INSITE helps to ensureaccurate procedures and diagnosis and limit downtime, while increasing productivity and profits.


Cummins INSITE7.5software supplies engine informationquickly, getting the inside details you need. No matterwhat kind of equipment you run, INSITE is the>Cummins electronic engine.


Cummins INSITE7.5can provide your business with:


       • Trip and vehicle information
       • Parameter and feature adjustment
       • Accurate problem diagnosis
       • Complete wiring diagramsand sensor location maps
       • Step-by-step trouble-shooting information
       • Fault tree information
       • Fault code and symptom-based diagnostics
       • Engine diagnostic tests
       • Tools to create templates for a group of vehicles
       • Fleet management/driver reward programs
       • Audit trail information
       • Enhanced ECM security

         functions of the authority are as below:
       • Functionality levels
       • .basic,read>       • .lite,limited Functionality
       •    .No Calibration Download
       • .RSGR,Road Speed Governors Restricted
       •    .Similar to Lite,no adjustments to Speed related Parameters
       • .Pro,Full Functionality
       •    .Read,Write,Adjustments,Calibration Download
       • .Industrial/Power Generation Applications
       •    .Full Functionality for Industrial Engines>       •    .Calibration Download
       •    .Feature Adjustment
       •    .Target audience,RSGR locations


Cummins INSITE7.5is offered in four functional levels: Basic, Lite, RSGR and Pro, ranging from a read>买家请注意:一律产品都是顺风速递发货。运费到付。

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