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    2016 SCANIA CDEV & ECOM & XCOM & SOPS & SDP3 2.29    斯堪尼亚开发最新版   编程,诊断,更改车架,ECU复位等 ? AdBlue>INCLUDED

 ? Scania CDEV 1311.0.2.0 [2013]
 ? Scania ECOM 3.32
 ? Scania XCOM 2.29 [2015]
 ? USB key 无需狗 在线安装


Scania CDEV supports the following operations:

 ? Read ECU ID, data, parameters, fingerprint.
 ? Read and erase DTC.
 ? SparePart program all systems.
 ? Gather all data for fieldtest functions.
 ? Load, modify, compare SOPS FILEs.

Scania ECOM – is a program which, together with the VCI2, enables communication between your PC and the control unit (EMS S6)>
You can carry out the following operations with ECOM:

 ? Read stored fault codes and ‘Freeze Frames’.
 ? Clear inactive fault codes.
 ? Read information about stored working cycles.
 ? Measure internal variables such as the engine speed, pressure, temperature and save them to a FILE.
 ? Program certain parameters

Scania XCOM – is a diagnostic tool to read, save and modify ECU data such as trouble codes, parameters, statistic data etc. VCI2/VCI3 interface is used to connect to ECU via CAN protocol.

Supported modification of ECU data of the following types:

 ? EMS – Engine management system.
 ? GMS – Gearbox management system.
 ? RET – Retarder system.
 ? AWD – All wheel drive system.
 ? CLS – Clutch Control.
 ? EEC – Exhaust Emission Control.
 ? COO (COO7) – Coordinator.
 ? BWS (BCI1) – Bodywork system.

Supported resolving trouble codes to text description for the following types:

 ? EMS (S6, S7, S8).
 ? GMS (OPC4, OPC5).
 ? RET (RET1, RET2).
 ? AWD (AWD1).
 ? EEC (SCR1, EEC3).
 ? COO (COO6, COO7).
 ? HMS (HMS1).

Some interesting options:

 ? AdBlue> ? EGR> ? Chassis ID/VIN Change.
 ? Immobilizer> ? Truck Power INCREASE.
 ? ECU Recovery.
 ? ECU Reset.
 ? ECU Unlock.

Supported languages: English.

  SCANIA SOPS FILE ENCRYPTOR/DECRYPTOR   ? Download with SDP3 from truck SOPS export FILE; ? Decrypt SOPS export FILE to XML format; ? Edit XML FILE with any XML editor; ? Modify more than 300 parameters: like AdBlue, EGR, NOx Control ? Encrypt XML FILE to SOPS import FILE; ? Upload SOPS import FILE to truck with SDP3; ? Support Windows 2003/XP/Vista/7/8;   Scania Diagnos & Programmer 3 (SDP3)   Communicates with Scania vehicles and Scania industrial and marine engines. The program has been developed to support the electrical system with CAN communication. The program is used for troubleshooting, adjusting customer parameters, calibrations, conversions affecting the electrical system and updating software in control units.   Bodywork Interface Configuration Tool (BICT)   is a software tool for the Bodywork Interface Configuration (BIC) function. This tool facilitates the connection of bodywork and body using the functions included in the vehicle’s electrical system. The logic programming is done in a BIC project, which in turn can contain several logic diagrams, to make the logic programming clearer. The BIC project can be saved and reused for more vehicles. BICT can be used both with and without connection to the vehicle. Without connection to a vehicle it is possible to create new projects containing logic diagrams and simulate logic diagrams. The BIC project can be saved and later used to write the BIC program to the control unit. With BICT connected to the vehicle it is possible to write a new BIC program to the control unit or update the existing BIC program in the control unit. You can also troubleshoot the BIC program in the control unit via guides in SDP3.

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供SCANIA DEVELOPER PACKAGE (CDEV 1311- ECOM 3.32 – XCOM 2.27).
  • 博世BOSCH、电装、德尔福、西门子等厂家特约经销商

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