catCaterpillar 卡特 CAT Flash File DVD 2016年 新版(全球首发)

主页电控检测仪器catCaterpillar 卡特 CAT Flash File DVD 2016年 新版(全球首发)

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

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品牌 Brand:[my_pinpai]

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:[my_huohao]

运输 Transport:[my_yunshu]

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]

CAT flash FILE DVD 2016-6月升级最新版(全球首发)


Factory flash FILEs for the Flash memory programming of>Caterpillar Flash Files DVD Factory flash FILEs for the Flash memory programming of>

how i download the number of FILE from sis

for example : if i need flah FILE for 330D how i know what the number i need?

go to start menu- > sis configure -> add sis data path

add all sis dvd path into sis configure

but how i know what the number FILE for my engine?

1,connect ecm , open ET,  2, go to winflash, read ecm no.   ,  3, search the no. in flash FILEs


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