Ignition System KV Quick Tester ADD760

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Ignition System KV Quick Tester ADD760缩略图

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:ZQ170206VV0262

运输 Transport:汇森速运

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]

Ignition System KV Quick Tester ADD760


The KV Ignition system quick tester ADD 760 is designed to work>Quick tester battery Operated and easy to use, simply place the probe over the ignition wire.
Each time the tester detects a spark firing, it will flash the Super Bright LED strobe indicating a spark-firing event with sufficient arc duration. Then press the button and the unit measures and displays peak kV>
Quick Check Mode

To enter the Quick Check Mode, simply turn the tester>During this mode, the red and green LEDs alternately flash>Once a spark is detected, the Red LED light flashes and the red or the green LED lights to show the polarity.


If the tester does not detect a spark after 30 seconds, it automatically turns off.
The Quick Check Mode may not detect spark voltage less than 5 kV. Use the Measurement Mode to verify.

Measurement Mode

During this mode, the red and green LEDs stay lit while the tester measures the peak spark voltage (for approximately 10 to 15 seconds).
When the tester finishes a measurement, it will do all of the following:
The tester emits a beeping sound
The headlight flashes 3 times
The corresponding polarity LED lights
LCD displays the current KV reading for 15 seconds

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