ESA Electronic Service Analyst v + keygen UNLOCK

主页电控检测仪器ESA Electronic Service Analyst v + keygen UNLOCK

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:[my_pinpai]

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:[my_huohao]

运输 Transport:[my_yunshu]

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]

SA Update Announcement





ESA support for P30-1014-113 CECU3 software has been released to production to support NAMUX 3.5 Peterbilt vehicles. This software is not a required update so P30-1014-108, P30-1014-111, and P30-1014-112 will remain available as software options for NAMUX 3.5 Peterbilt vehicles.


Changes Implemented


New Features:

  • Auto Start Test text updated
  • Emulator software versions updated
  • P30-1014-113 software supported
    • New Features:
      • A new fuel economy display screen that based>Support Variable Coolant Pump
  • Defect Fixes:
    • Fix Driver Reward unit conversion to correct the mismatch between vehicle speed limit and offset
    • Fix Vehicle Speed Limiter incorrect popup due to error ID
    • Fix Transfer Case Temp CVSG not operational due to incorrect logic

Defect fixes:

  • P30-1014-112 DPA Reset

Known Issues:

  • CECU mileage may not display for 2016 Cummins engines




Update Instructions

  1. Select Tools->Check for Updates
    1. Follow prompts
  2. Click Updates Available button
  3. Download all software updates
  4. Verify ESA is at version


Update Instructions

System pre-requisites:

  1.  Windows 7/8, Windows Vista
  2. .NET 4.0 Full Framework version
  3. Visual C++ runtimes
    1. 2010
    2. 2008
    3. 2005 with ATL update
    4. NEXIQ drivers 9.0 or greater
      1. NEXIQ drivers or greater required for Windows 8
      2. PC with at least 600 MB free space
      3. Internet access from the PC
      4. Administrative Rights>ESA license key
      5. An e-portal user account and password 



keygen unlock

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供ESA Electronic Service Analyst v + keygen UNLOCK.
  • 博世BOSCH、电装、德尔福、西门子等厂家特约经销商

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