Wellon Programmer VP-390 VP390

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Wellon Programmer VP-390 VP390缩略图

价格 Price: [my_jiage]185 1212 8227

型号 Model:[my_xinghao]

品牌 Brand:

货期 Cycle:[my_huoqi]

货号 Number:ZQ170206FQ0151

运输 Transport:优速快递

适配 Adaptation:[my_shipei]

The WELLON Programmers are affordable, reliable, and fast universal device programmers. They are
designed to operate with the Intel Pentium-based IBM-compatible desktop computers and laptops. No
interface card is necessary to plug the module into a PC (this feature is especially handy for laptop users).
The menu-driven software interface makes them easy to operate.


Wellon Programmer VP -390


- Electrical spec. of the AC adapter: AC input 100V to 240V, 50/60Hz; DC output 9V / 0.6A

- 48 Pin ZIF socket with universal pin-drivers.

- Interface with LAPTOP, PC or compatibles through USB port

- Accepts standard FILE formats: JEDEC, INTEL (Extended) HEX, HOLTEK, EMC(.CDS), INTEL HEX16, Motorola S record

- Manages 16 and 32-bit word split (Set Programming)

- Features Test Vector capability and multiarray fuse map editor

- Test TTL/CMOS logic ICs and Dynamic/Static Random Access Memory devices

- Optimum programming for each individual device

- Automaticly Identifies the manufacturer and type of E(E)PROMs, Auto identifies TTL/CMOS logic IC

- Device insertion and poor-pin-contact check

- Support 1.5v Low voltage devices

- Not need exterior adapter for mostly devices.

- Universal DIP, PLCC, QFP, TSOP, PSOP, SOIC, SSOP, SDIP adapters

- Auto-run mode starts programming automatically upon detection of chip insertion

- Supports WindowsXP/Vista/ Windows 7 (32bit and 64bit)

- Supports eight languages,such as Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), English, Korean, Poland, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Turkish and Hungary.

- PROM: N/CMOS E(E)PROM, SeriesE(E)PROM, and FLASH Memory


- Microcontroller: Atmel, Intel, Microchip, Signetics, Zilog, etc.


- TTL (74 series), CMOS (40/45 series) Logic IC

- DRAM (4164, 41464 ...), SRAM (2114, 6116 ...) memory device

  • 本公司【鑫众润科技有限公司】长期提供 Wellon Programmer VP-390 VP390 .
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