PS701 JP Diagnostic Tool
Dealer Code for updation: XTOOLEN
PS701 Specifications
1. Display:Backlit, 160 x160 pixel display with contrast adjustment
2. Operating Temperature:0 to 50°C (32 to 122 F°)
3. Storage Temperature:-20 to 70°C (-4 to 158 F°)
4. relative humidity:<90%
5. External Power:12.0v Volts provided via vehicle battery
6. mainframe power:3W
7. Mainframe dimensions:225mm Length 98mm Width 36mm Height
8. exterior memory: supports TF card
Language: English
Software display:
1.PS701 can test TOYOTA, the testing manual is as follows:
2. PS701 can test SUZUKI, the testing manual is as follows:
3. PS701 can test SUBARU, the testing manual is as follows:
4. PS701 can test NISSAN, the testing manual is as follows:
5. PS701 can test MITSUBISHI, the testing manual is as follows:
PS701 Package List:
machine composition
main testing cables,
testing connectors: NISSAN 14PIN (old car version); Honda 3pin(old car version) and obd2 connector),
user”s manual and Nynon bag