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  1. Technical Specifications


MULTILOCK 040 面板安装连接器

MULTILOCK 040 Series automotive connectors designed for use as I/O connectors in automotive applications. These MULTILOCK 040 series have a compact design with high density 2.5 mm contact centres and are also durable and easy to handle. The housings of these MULTILOCK 040 automotive connectors protect the contacts against damage caused by rocking action (KOJIRI Action) that occurs at the mating and unmating stages. The MULTILOCK 040 plug and receptacle housings have a housing lance design enabling lanceless contacts to be used. The use of lanceless contacts avoids tangling and lance deformation is eliminated. The key feature of these MULTILOCK 040 connectors is the locking mechanism. The standard MULTILOCK 040 plug and receptacle housings feature an integral double lock mechanism to ensure a secure contact retention. The MULTILOCK 040 Mk II plug housing has a locking mechanism consisting of a 2 piece double lock plate for secure contact retention and prevention of partial insertion.
The MULTILOCK 040 range of automotive connectors consists of plug and receptacle housings and PCB headers for use in wire to wire and wire to board applications. The plug housings require female crimp contacts, the receptacle housings require male tab contacts. Crimp contacts must be ordered separately.

与 Multilock 040 电缆安装连接器一起使用
垂直和 90 °安装选项
36 路连接器与 20 路和 16 路插头一起使用

Features and Benefits

Compact, durable design
High density 2.5 mm pitch
Housing lance design
Contacts protected against damage caused by “KOJIRI” Action
Integral double locking system


The MULTILOCK 040 series of automotive connectors are designed for use in a range of automotive applications. These applications include powertrain systems, safety and security systems, convenience, driver information and body and chassis systems.


TE Connectivity MULTILOCK 连接器和触点

此微型高密度连接器系统提供线对线和线对板 I/O 解决方案;该方案普遍适用于汽车行业,但是也适用于许多可变信号传送应用。

高密度连线连接器,带 2.5mm 接触中心

040 系列

070 系列
额定电流8A15A耐电压1 分钟 1V 交流1 分钟 1V 交流低电流阻抗10mΩ 最大值(初始)1mΩ 最大值(初始)总抗阻20mΩ 最大值(最终)10mΩ 最大值(最终)工作温度-30°C 至 +150°C- 30° C 至 +105° C  产品技术参数  触点数目12行数2节距2.5mm连接器类型公插系列MULTILOCK 040使用于MULTILOCK 线对线连接器主体向性直长度18.1mm宽度26.1mm深度18.5mm外壳材料聚碳酸酯 (PBT)CAD 绘图3D CAD 模型

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